Monthly Archives: February 2008

Towards a Sustainable Investment Network

Having sent the accounts to all contributors was the essential closure for the St. James’s event.

It means that I can now pursue with renewed vigour what Dr. Yunus’ book enthused me into doing: raise funds for the Sustainable Investment Network.

I do hope that it will become one of the first true ‘social businesses‘ according to the Yunus definitions!

Life after Dr. Yunus’ Visit to London

For the first time ever did I organise an event with a ‘blind date’ and someone who gets ‘mobbed’ for photos to be taken and dedications to be written when signing their book. But then I’ve never organised an event for a Nobel Peace Prize winner before!

Fortunately, his lecture at the LSE gave us an idea of what to expect.

YuNuSphere records what is taking place in the wake of his visit.

The Forum for Stable Currencies site has been revamped, and I am recording Forum related news here.